The Countertop
Thursday, March 22, 2018
What's Going On With Big Idea?
I'm absolutely not complaining about In the House/In the City; I still want to write some on my favorite episodes in the series. But admittedly, the shorter-length Netflix format doesn't make it as easy to write about as the longer direct-to-videos. There are so many new stories at once, it's hard to know where to begin sometimes. But I'm not writing this post to discuss my reasons for not writing in three years, I'm writing because I have some questions I'm hoping someone might know something about.
I believe the last episode of In the City aired last year. Bye Bye, Bacon Bill was the only ITH/ITC episode to end with a "the end," and felt like a sweet way to close out the series overall. But this came without any announcement or warning. And since then, I've noticed some things that have me a little concerned.
First of all, it seems the only thing on the socials lately has been these promotional images featuring Bible verses, inspirational quotes, jokes, and the like. You've most likely seen them and know what I'm talking about. They're very cute, and it's always good to have something encouraging pop up on the feed, but they don't give us much idea of the goings-on at the company, or what they may have planned next after ITC.
Second, it seems that has become solely a shopping site. And its spot under DreamWorks/Classic Media doesn't give much information either (except, perhaps, for the interesting note from four years ago that they had more releases planned than actually happened). Again, on both accounts, I wish there was more to say from the company directly about news and updates, especially if something's wrong.
Perhaps the most alarming was the company address I found today on an email:
Big Idea Entertainment, LLC
386 Park Avenue South
16th Floor
New York, NY 10016
They moved to New York? When did that happen?
This could just be the merchandising branch of the company, but I'm not sure.
None of this is truly to say they aren't still a thriving company with some new, exciting tricks up their sleeves. But... I don't know. I wish I did.
The biggest "sign of life" I've seen with Big Idea lately was a Facebook Saturday Silly Song Sing-Along with Nicole C. Mullen a few weeks back. It was encouraging to know they were doing something, but it still doesn't really answer my questions.
I recently re-read the portion of Phil Vischer's book, Me, Myself, and Bob, regarding Big Idea's original downfall, and I was re-reminded of the challenges and difficulties of running a small animation company. I'm sure there are still challenges and difficulties today, even with DreamWorks' ownership.
I know that seemingly much of the fandom is divided on ITH/ITC, but as far as I knew, the shows were still doing well overall. Could there have been enough of a dent from viewers who didn't like it to ultimately hurt the company? I certainly hope not.
I care about Big Idea and the amazing people who work there. I miss hearing from them through featurettes, audio commentaries, interviews, and articles. There is so much creativity there, and most importantly, a fierce desire to make sure kids -- and the rest of the world -- know that God made them special and loves them very much! I want to know what they have planned next for VeggieTales, or if they have something totally new and different in mind. I'm glad they're still making some neat merchandise (I love my mini blind bag Larry!), but I don't think that's the future of Big Idea.
VeggieTales is not merely a lifestyle brand for preschoolers and parents.
VeggieTales is not dead.
VeggieTales is something special.
It's funny, it's genuine, it speaks truth.
It's for everyone.
And there's never been anything like it.
Same for the brave little company and the amazing people who created it 25 years ago.
I know most of you out there don't know the answers any more than I do, but I just wanted to put these thoughts out here, just in case.
Keep Big Idea in your prayers for whatever happens, whether The Bob and Larry Movie will finally be realized (one can hope!), or if it's ultimately the end of VeggieTales silliness.
Hopefully you'll see more posts soon!
GMUS & <3sUVM,
- Chandler
Monday, March 2, 2015
Noah's Ark Review
Hey to my fellow Veggie-Heads! A new chapter of VeggieTales has begun and I'm incredibly excited to be bringing you my review on the fantastic new episode Noah's Ark! Now, let's get on board! (I couldn't resist.)
(Also: thanks to DWA TV for the advance copy!)
The first thing you might notice is the new reincarnation of the intro. It's overall very similar to the 2010-2014 one, but now Bob and Larry are going it solo. I'll admit, I've gotten used to Jimmy and Jerry coming in on the second verse, but the intro is no less enjoyable. Seeing Bob and Larry with their new looks is really cool, and the fact they're doing this on their own reminds me a lot of the original intro. But perhaps the best thing about the new intro is that, instead of a clip show, they show off a variety of "photos" of each episode's cover art throughout the years, which makes me so nostalgic. It's a lovely reminder of how far they've come, and how many wonderful episodes they've made! I'm guessing once they get some more episodes under their belt in the new style, they'll go back to the clip show format, but this is definitely a preferred method over just using clips from this episode alone.
We also get to see the new countertop! I just adore how Bob and Larry subtly comment on each other's new looks. Larry did mention on an interview with that working out brought out the color in his eyes :) Oh, and Qwerty hasn't changed a bit! But the elephant in the room isn't all of the new looks, it actually is an elephant -- because the first episode of this new era is Noah's Ark! And it's the only Noah's Ark retelling thus far to be told from Shem's point of view and to involve a giant squid and several flying machines. (I do like how they get it off the bat real fast that these things are all Larry's additions. Smart plan when you want to avoid confusing younger viewers.) Anyhow, off the countertop and onto the story itself!
While Bob and Larry being on the cover seems to make this episode appear to be about them, it's actually Shem who's at center stage. Shem, played by the awesome Wayne Brady, has big plans. Having just come off his honeymoon with his new wife, Sadie, Shem is full of ideas for their new home. But he doesn't expect to find that his dad built an ark while they were gone. This new perspective is absolutely a breath of fresh air and is one of the most original concepts I've ever seen. Shem reacts a lot like we would in this situation. Noah and the rest of the family just go with what God says, but Shem can't help but wonder if maybe his plan would be better. Throughout the story, Shem finds himself having doubts one way or another, and it's only when he allows himself to trust God that he's able to understand why His plan is perfect. Aside from the excellent storytelling method Shem helps execute, he is absolutely hilarious. He's witty, real, and appropriately sarcastic at times. Honestly, I would not mind if Shem became a permanent character on the show :)
And of course, it would be wrong of me not to talk more about Shem's better half, Sadie, played by the awesome Jaci Velasquez. Sadie is a constant source of support and encouragement for Shem. She's sweet-natured, bubbly, and trusting -- but she can be tough when she needs to be! I love that VT decided to give the unnamed wives of Noah's sons some real personality and make them more than just a few supporting characters.
Thinking about characters, I was very interested in seeing how the rest of the roles would be filled. After watching In the House for a while, I've gotten used to each character's new, unique personality, which can make it sort of hard to visualize what it would look like for them to don new personalities and costumes for their characters. Ultimately, each veggie stays pretty true to his or her ITH characterization, but Big Idea has sprinkled in some new personality traits to make them uniquely the characters of Noah and his family. It will definitely be interesting to see over time how some characters might play certain roles, like the next time Larry plays a hero-type character, after being his playful, silly self so much lately. But really, the differences are minute and don't take away for a second the joy, creativity, and excellent storytelling VT has always brought to the table.
Then there's the music! There's an ark-load of songs in this one, and each one of them is fantastic. And when you throw in Mr. Brady and Miss Velasquez's singing voices, you've got something super special. The songs, written by Drew Fornarola and Marshall Pailet, are so well done and really give a unique sound to this episode. The overall musical stylings of this one really feels like a throwback to the classic VT Bible stories. I can't help but love that VeggieTales hasn't let go of their musical roots! :D
Speaking of songs, we also are getting the new era's first Silly Song, My Golden Egg! Only Larry would take an Easter egg hunt this seriously, as he goes all Indiana-Jones on it as he searches for that prized golden egg. The song has a great rhythm, clever lyrics, and of course, a few well-placed Indy nods -- like with the French Peas as background-singer jungle tribesmen! But Larry just might let that treasure slip out from under his nose amidst the catchy song... or will he? Either way, I really want a chocolate egg right now, and Easter's not for another month!
Fact is, there's a lot I could go on and on about; the adorable animals, the fantastic character animation, all of the effects, the funny gags and one-liners... but I don't want to forget to talk about the beautiful truth of this episode.
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Image credit: DWA TV PR |
Between being stuck in the rain for forty days and being stuck on the ark a year afterward, Shem finds himself desperate to chart his own course. But when he actually listens to God and allows himself to trust His promises, he finds himself playing an unexpected role in God's plan. In the end, Shem finally understands what it means to embrace what God wants for his future. I think it's safe to say we all have times in our lives when we'd rather be in control, and when we don't understand the hardships and frustrations around us. But isn't it amazing just how much God loves us, and how perfect the course He charts for us is? Noah's Ark is a beautiful reminder of both those truths, and it's an absolutely no-questions five-star episode! Well done, Big Idea!
You'll never see the story the same way again... and that's not a bad thing!
GMUS & <3sUVM,
- Chandler
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
News On Noah + Jaci Velasquez Interview!
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Image credit: DWA TV PR |
When I first heard that the next episode would be a new retelling of the Noah story, I was a little surprised; didn't they already retell this Bible story on Minnesota Cuke and the Search For Noah's Umbrella? On the commentary for that episode, it was stated that the Minnesota Cuke episodes worked well for retelling darker Bible stories (it's not all rainbows and fuzzy animals, you know), so I wasn't expecting them to try Noah again. But the more I've heard about this new approach, the more excited I am for it. Plus, the first VeggieTales movie concept before Jonah was about Noah's ark, so I'm curious if this episode will have any similarities to that earlier concept. But in any case, it's appropriate that this episode is going back to where the show began -- retelling Bible stories in a fun, fresh way! So, I can say with great certainty that Noah has me excited for more reasons than one.
The first thing that I'm definitely looking forward to is that they're doing this up as a musical. Of course, VT has always rocked at doing musicals, as no episode to date has been without a song (or two or three), but I think the boat-bound musical subgenre is an especially fun way to flip the story of Noah around a bit. A little less "doomsday" and a bit more "Anchors Aweigh"!
Another thing I'm very excited for is that this episode's got a couple of amazing voices on board: Wayne Brady and Jaci Velasquez! They will be playing Noah's son, Shem, and his wife, Sadie. I'm seriously excited, because Wayne Brady is a hilarious actor and an epic singer, and Jaci Velasquez is an amazing singer and radio show host! I love Shem and Sadie's character designs, and I think they'll fit in perfectly into the VT world. I really love how many great actors and singers have been showing up in VT lately, from Rob Paulsen and Tress MacNeille's roles on In the House to Terry Crews's stellar performance as Bruce Onion in Celery Night Fever! Phil and Mike can do perfectly on their own, but it's always great seeing the Veggie world expanded :)
And I'd be completely wrong if I didn't mention how adorable these animals are. I'm impressed since the massive amount of fur was apparently the reason why the Noah film didn't fly in the first place. I don't yet know what company's doing their animation, whether it will still be Huhu or if Bardel will take over. Bardel's work with furry creatures in DWA's Puss in Boots and King Julien series has proved to be awesome, so they'll look great if they go that route. Either way, I'm really glad that VT is in a place now where they try something technologically that they couldn't do ten years ago!
One of the things I'm most curious about with this new chapter is what the format will be like. I've already heard they're reanimating the original intro to fit the new style, so that's definitely going to be exciting to see come to life. Will they ever give Larry a break on that tuba so he doesn't nearly pass out? (Probably not!) In addition, we'll likely get to see the new countertop and hopefully Qwerty too (though I'm not entirely sure on this, considering there isn't a Qwerty in ITH's kitchen, but we'll have to wait and see). It'll be interesting to see how these new versions of the crew we've gotten to know in ITH will translate to a regular VT episode format.
Finally, I'm very much looking forward to seeing their spin on the lesson. Noah's Umbrella chose to talk about having the confidence to do what God wants us to do, while the new Noah is a lesson in trusting God. I really like the twist they've come up with... I could easily see Noah and his folks having some questions about God's plan in the midst of that massive flood. So, that really works well as this episode's moral, finding something unique to set it apart from the already awesome Minnesota Cuke.
And if nothing I've said has you pumped up yet, this interview with Sadie herself, Jaci Velasquez, ought to! (Thanks, DWA TV!) Read on.
Definitely looking forward to seeing this one and talking about it in my review! Until then...
- Chandler
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
Eye On The Tiger: Perseverance For The New Year!
We're at the end of the first month of the new year, and so begs the question... how are your resolutions? Or if not resolutions, your goals? Your promises to yourself? I know at the beginning of the year, we often feel like we can take on the world. But after a while, it starts to feel hard, or after not getting what we wanted fast enough, we start losing hope.
Well, I know for a fact that there's a VeggieTales episode for you -- Sumo of the Opera! I know this because I've energized myself many times by singing, "A Sumo Can't Go Wrong"! We all need to be reminded to persevere and keep on keepin' on, and this episode is one of the best reminders!
So, if you're having a case of the Mondays, feeling overwhelmed by work or school, or really don't want to attend that fitness class, here's a breakdown of the most epic training montage known to Veggie-kind to make you smile and get you pumped!
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Image credit: my own DVD |
Fueled by young Hadrian's drive and an awesome song by the sumo men's choir, Scallion goes from quitting to keeping his eye on the tiger, both metaphorically and literally!
(C'mon, there's not one of you out there who doesn't want that tiger bike...)
Image credit: my own DVD |
Then that rock music kicks in and Scallion's takin' it to the escalators! Look at that determination on his face... he's got his head in the game as he scales that metal mountain!
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Image credit: my own DVD |
Sit-ups. Not fun, but a necessary part of his journey. Also, major props to the fact he's doing this without arms or legs.
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Image credit: my own DVD |
Can Scallion do it? Yes he can! Sorry.
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Image credit: my own DVD |
Just look at him... takin' it like a champ! Some days we hit the recycling bag, and some days the recycling bag hits us. What matters is getting up again!
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Image credit: my own DVD |
He does some more sit-ups, more can crushing, and then... something epic happens. He blows a massive recycling bag up! #Winning
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Image credit: my own DVD |
And look at him eat that sushi! AND the "all you can eat" sign! Now that is perseverance, 'cause I'm not sure people who like sushi could stand eating that much at once -- not even sumo wrestlers who like sushi could eat that much!
(If you're a sumo wrestler who likes sushi and could eat this much, feel free to correct me)
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Image credit: my own DVD |
Watch him own those cans! Scallion is a serious boss!
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Image credit: my own DVD |
His skills with the mop make us green with envy... and maybe with motion sickness, too...
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Image credit: my own DVD |
And when we succeed and come out victorious... no feeling could be greater! :D
Image credit: my own DVD |
So, whatever you're fighting, whatever you're working for, don't give up and don't lose hope. Because however it ends, you're a winner in God's eyes. And that's a feeling as welcome as flowers that bloom in the spring!
- Chandler
Monday, November 24, 2014
10 Reasons To Love VeggieTales In The House!
Most of you are probably aware by now that a new chapter in the history of VeggieTales is starting this Wednesday on Netflix. It's a sad thing to me that many people have mixed opinions on the new series. But having myself seen the first episode (thanks, DWA TV!), I can reassure you that if you love VT (and I know you do), you will still love In the House! And I'm here to present my review as a spoiler-free top ten list to show you why!
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Image credit: DWA TV PR |
1. The Character Designs
I know, I know... this is what people are having mixed opinions about! But as I stated on my previous post on In the House, the designs, while different, are actually really fun and charming! My favorite redesigns belong to Jerry, Petunia, Junior, and Pa. It wouldn't have normally thought eyes would look good on Pa Grape, but his new design is adorable! He reminds me of The Mayor in The Powerpuff Girls! :D
All of the designs are delightful and well thought-out, and tied together with the great voice acting and beautiful animation, it makes for a seriously amazing show! I understand it'll take some getting used to for some, but it most likely won't take long for these "fresh" veggies to steal our hearts the way they have for decades.
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Image credit: my own DVD |
2. The Music
Songs and VeggieTales go together like baby carrots and ranch dip, and if you were worried that they would skimp on that in ITH, you have nothing to worry about! Every episode has a fun, Silly Song-worthy tune that still maintains the charm of the classic episodes' songs!
Oh, and the new theme song -- talk about catchy! The ITH theme is upbeat and a whole lot of fun, delivering an new sound to the show that still holds to its roots. Plus, Scott Krippayne worked on it, so that should be enough to get you excited! (What... just me?)
Anyway, the new musicians at the helm, Terry Scott Taylor and Robert Watson, really capture the spirit and sound of the Veggies we've always known in a whole new way!
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Image credit: my own DVD |
3. The Art Direction Overall
There is so much detail in the big, big world our Veggies call home! The new artists, with Joe Spadaford's guidance and supervision, have created a whole new world surrounding the countertop that is just too amazing, right down to building the house's exterior itself! All of the locales are just loaded with attention to detail -- Pa Grape's shop being one of the most detailed of the bunch. And not a single prop has been reused from the original series; it's quite the feat to build everything from scratch!
And if we need any more reasons to love it, the design overall calls back to the earliest VT episodes, with a wonky, slightly lopsided charm that one might remember from Junior's bedroom or LarryBoy's mansion. Along with the character designs, the artists on this show have made it truly a visual delight!
Image credit: my own DVD |
4. The Laughs
The trailer showcased on the Beauty and the Beet DVD was chock-full of comic action and hilarious slapstick humor. But if you were worried that the physical humor would tilt the balance between slapstick and one-liners, that is far from the case! One of the funniest lines I've ever heard in recent VeggieTales history was in the first five minutes of the first episode! The humor remains as it always has with VT, just a little faster-paced and bringing in a very wacky sense of comic action that kids (as well as adults) will love!
Image credit: my own DVD |
5. The New Characters
It may not seem that the VT cast has changed much, but a few new faces have already made their debut thus far. Aside from a very colorful array of background characters, with some corn and broccoli in the mix, in the first two episodes, we mainly meet Ichabeezer and Rooney.
Do not be confused, Ichabeezer isn't Mr. Nezzer, despite the resemblance. He's a bit more of a grumpy old man than Nezzer is -- though I could definitely see them being related. If he sounds a lot like Mr. Beet, that's because he is indeed voiced by the great Rob Paulsen! Ichabeezer is very practical, kinda gruff, and good at nailing the occasional bit of sarcasm (nothing VT wouldn't do already, of course). I do miss seeing Nezzer around, but Ichabeezer's an easy character to love (even if he doesn't want to come off that way). We also get to meet his olive-hound Rooney! I can't help but adore the concept they came up with, and they made quite the endearing character out of him! Boy, does that Rooney love fetch... a little too much, perhaps, for Ichabeezer, as you will see XD
And while other new characters are currently unknown, we do get some new approaches to the original cast with new voices, including Petunia, Laura, and Madame Blueberry, who all happen to be voiced by the great Tress MacNeille!
Petunia still keeps her roots as a very confident but kind girl, and I love the way she's played out in these first two episodes. She comes off in a way that makes her seem like she'd got it all together, but that trailer proves that she'll have a few off-moments :P I could talk more about Laura, but she overall hasn't changed as much, except that she's a bit more bubbly and excitable, which makes her all the more adorable. Madame Blueberry, however, has perhaps changed the most. Ms. MacNeille has made Madame a bit less French and more of a high-society lady, which is still very in touch with her character. Her role has been one of the most enjoyable to watch, especially since she's one of the main characters in the second episode.
All in all, the characters may have changed in looks and in voice, but they are still true to who they've been since '95, '98, and '05, and I can't help but love them.
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Image credit: my own DVD |
6. The Animation
I know I've already mentioned this, but the animation really is great! It's very fluid, fast-paced, and dripping with charm and personality. What you might not've thought about concerning the new character designs is that they're actually made to animate a bit more realistically in some ways. Not that the original models weren't realistic at all, but the characters were also built differently back then. Larry's super bouncy personality is accentuated perfectly with the "bounciness" of the character animation! This dynamic, cartoony feel just suits VeggieTales to a T!
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Image credit: my own DVD |
7. The Pacing
ITH's faster pace is really a great thing. Not that there was anything wrong with the 45-minuters, of course. But ITH's pace works well for the shorter episode lengths, as well as for the overall feel of the show. That cartoony, or as Phil Vischer described in a video posted on the official VT Facebook, Tom and Jerry-like, vibe just makes the show all the more fun, and will definitely appeal to kids and parents alike. While some longtime VT fans may need to get used to this zippy approach, I think you'll get a feel for it after a couple episodes.
Plus, did I mention the well-placed goofy sound effects they use? Like that bit in the trailer where Bob and Larry's scream is a chicken squawk? I'm sorry, but I think that's pretty hilarious!
Image credit: my own DVD |
8. The Heart
Of course, all this great comedy, art, and storytelling would be nothing without the heart. And ITH does not skimp! The first two episodes artfully teach about responsibility and the power of words in a way that only VT can do. They weave these truths into each episode masterfully and oh-so-originally! And there is no shortage of Bible verses, which I know we're all glad for after VeggieTales on TV tended to cut them out. These moments of honesty mixed in amidst the laughs make for a truly strong-hearted cartoon, not just your everyday Looney Tunes fare. Not that there's anything wrong with comedy for comedy's sake, of course... but we need our "veggies", too!
Image credit: my own DVD |
9. The Exposure
Just think about this for a second: ITH is a Netflix exclusive right now. One of a handful of Christian-value-based programs on the service. Imagine how much exposure the show will get! How many kids and parents who may've never seen or heard of VT who will see it! How many lives just might be changed, even in a small way, because of this! Wow! ITH's new home on Netflix is the perfect place for it to be :)
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Image credit: DWA TV PR |
10. The Quintessential Truth
Even though the show is structured differently than the 45-minuters, they always end with the most important truth, the one that VT has been saying since its beginning:
"God made you special, and He loves you very much!"
That is awesome.
So yes, I am more than excited now to be a part of this new era of VeggieTales! I can hardly wait to see more episodes in the near future as Bob and Larry take over their house... and houses all over the world! I hope I've helped in getting you truly excited for this seriously fun show! That's all the time I have for today, so remember...
GMUS & <3sUVM,
- Chandler